
Morgan Sessions

In a previous article I spoke about physical qualities that I look for in a woman. Of course, physical attraction is the first step but as you probe deeper you may find things out about even the most beautiful woman that you just can’t stand. Whether she talks too much, doesn’t trust you, won’t ever give you an inch of free time, or is just plain annoying, It is most important that you can get along with her to have a successful relationship. As I dug into my own problems with women, I found that I wasn’t really looking for all the qualities I wanted both physical and otherwise. As I’ve been able to narrow down what I really want in a woman, my success with meeting the right ones and getting closer to who I want to be with has become ever so more a real possibility. Below I’ve decided to write about three of the main qualities I want from a woman besides the typical honesty, loyalty, and trust. Those qualities are implied. No one wants to date a stone cold bitch, well some guys do, just not me.

She Has A Hobby

What exactly does this mean? “Our time together is our time together, our time apart is our time apart, so love Jay with your mind girl and not your heart.” Yes, I just quoted Jay-Z. When a woman doesn’t have any outside interests or hobbies, you become her hobby, which means you never get anytime to yourself. In a relationship, time with each other is just as important as time alone. More importantly, she needs to respect your hobbies regardless of what they are. Criminal ongoings excluded.

She Loves Her Body

Women always go on and on about confidence. Confidence is just as important for a woman as it is for a man. I absolutely love when a woman is confident in the way she looks. Women who obsess over their looks because they lack faith in their appearance is one of the most annoying qualities ever, so I enjoy the opposite. A woman who walks into a room and controls it with her beauty is definitely in charge of her own emotions and feelings. Even the way she walks will project confidence. Especially if she can walk in heels… correctly.

A Sense Of Humor

This quality is among the most important, as women do not usually possess the same sense of humor that men do. If you joke about anything a bit morbid (death, pain, death, suicide) they will usually immediately withdraw. The women I enjoy being around the most are able to laugh past these sort of things in life and always look at the good side. Most of the time optimistic people are just more fun to be around, and an optimistic women is a godsend. A sense of humor goes a long way for a woman, especially in a relationship. If she is never comfortable with your humor, you can never really ever open up to her.

Batman stole all his stuff from me. I could totally beat up Liam Neeson.
