Do you ever spend more time thinking than doing? Is there something that you could or should be doing right now but instead you are procrastinating? Do you spend more time planing than executing? For many of us, the answer is yes. We spend so much of our daily lives lost in thought that we never truly find time to get things done. For those of us who do have time, we just don’t do. We spend most of our days worrying about tomorrow. Days pass and we don’t have much to show for it. I find myself in this predicament quite often. I sometimes spend more of my day thinking than actually getting things accomplished. This can be problematic in many ways.
I once thought that time management could be the issue. I seldom ask myself if this was true and I have concluded that the answer is no. There is plenty of time to do instead of think. We simply fail to do. By the time you spend an hour thinking about something, that same time could have been used towards completing a particular task.
The problem that I have is that I am easily distracted. One phone call, text message or email can throw me off for over an hour if I’m not cautious. All it takes is one thing and I’m lost in space. I’m always thinking of ideas or new ways to improve a current situation. The truth of the matter is that I enjoy thinking.
One thing I’ve learned is to start early. The sooner you begin the faster it ends. Procrastinating does not solve anything. Especially, when it’s something that you must get done.
Did you know that the average person has 50,000 thoughts per day — 35 and 48 thoughts per minute per person? The mind is always preoccupied.
At the end of the day, your thoughts won’t matter much without action. Take action now. Spend more time doing the things that you love. Focus on what matters most.