Women. The never ending conundrum of words, thoughts, and emotions wrapped inside a soft frame of delicious body parts. Often, we speak the same language but mean totally different things. For example, when a man gives another man a compliment, we actually mean it. “That’s a real nice tie man. Where did you get it?” Translation, “I think that tie would go great with a suit that I have.” When a woman gives another woman a compliment it’s meant with some malcontent usually. “I like that dress. Where did you get it?” This really means, “I’d look way better in it that you.” On average men are just more direct and logical, not all, just most. We usually don’t have reason to hide our true feelings unless it involves a woman. That’s because we know that women will either take what we say out of context or just dismiss it all together. There are a few key phrases or one word answers that you need to be aware of when getting to know or trying to understand a woman.
“I Don’t Care”
One of the most vicious phrases because women never just don’t care. Only men have this special power to honestly not give a damn. Deep down women always care. “I don’t care” really means, ” At this point I don’t want to discuss it. When I want to talk about it, I will make sure it is at the most inconvenient time. Most likely on Sunday when you want to watch football.”
I’d dare say this word means, exit the area immediately. If a woman says, “Fine”, this means trouble is brewing and it’s going to be epic. Fine is their way of agreeing with or allowing something to happen just so it can be brought back to the surface in two years during an argument about carpet cleaning. This is very similar to, “Do what you want.” The outcome will be pretty much the same except it will allow for a valid point when she want to go to that singles club with her girlfriend.
“I Just Bought This, What Do You Think?”
“I just spent a lot of money on this sheet with flowers sown into it and I’m not taking it back, so you better get used to it.” Women are definitely more into the “Ask for forgiveness game” than most guys. Most men are aware of our left and right limits and choose to operate in between them. Most women however, test the limits constantly to see what they can get away with. If this behavior goes unchecked, eventually you will lose any and all power that you have and be totally at their every whim. Make her take it back if you don’t like it. Sometimes make her take it back even if you do. The only reason to do this, is to just prove a point.