
Guian Bolisay

I’m pretty sure she’s single. I’ve followed her on Instagram for over two years now and she’s never really posted photos with other men (gay men don’t count). She doesn’t post much, but when she does it’s something notable. I’ve watched her followers grow from several hundred to tens of thousands over the last twelve months. She is the girl of my dreams and nothing else. If I had to guess, I would say she’s in her early twenties with no kids — an eligible bachelorette — with no partner. In a perfect world, her and I would find love, get married, have children and presumably live in some Midwest suburb. Yes, I would marry her if given the chance and I don’t even know her. Sounds foolish doesn’t it?

I have this fantasy in my head about the perfect woman and it’s a brutally visual one. It has stuck with me for quite some time now and I can’t seem to shake it off. Could it be possible that the girl of my dreams is the girl in my favorites? Could they be identical twins, maybe? I’ve seen this woman in magazines, adult films, music videos, strip clubs and on social media. She is the girl that men lust over. She has a habit of changing her appearance from time to time, but you can still spot her from a mile away. She is the girl that everyone likes and comment on.

She is a goddess like none other — flawless and utterly beautiful, to say the least. In one way or another, you’ve met her too. Remnants of her are probably buried somewhere deep on one of your hard drives. Maybe she goes by a different handle. She is the dream girl of all men and the envy of all women.

She just so happen to be the girl in my favorites.
